you are invited
live your best self
Wondering how you might breakthrough to a new level of awareness, joy and purpose?
Imagine feeling less anxious or overwhelmed.
Discover a new way forward from the challenges faced with a new calling, retirement, illness, or loss.
Perhaps you need some rest and renewal.
Do you need some wisdom to make a tough decision?
Are there subtle questions arising from within you?
Is there just a missing clarity and sense of direction?
If you need some days of self-care, tasty healthy food, a circle of caring friends, and a beautiful place to renew yourself, you are invited!
Join us for a retreat! All are welcome!
Very often the courageous folks who join me and my partner Robyn for an experience are in a time of transition, big or small. They are seeking clarity and purpose for the next stage. Often they are needing to overcome anxiety and confusion, and to live with greater passion and freedom. They need some rest, clarity, and an opportunity to rekindle their fire.
Participants find inner peace and self-discovery: a grounding realization of who you truly are. Your true self is a curious wild presence that can bring you gifts if you quiet down, breathe, and wait for a visitation. When you hear the whisper of your authentic voice in your deepest heart, it changes your life. Are you ready to listen?
When you join us, you will explore soulful practices including solitude in community, journal writing, evocative poetry, wisdom teachings, imagery, art, movement, mindfulness practices and others proven methods. When I co-guide experiences with my gifted yogi spouse, Robyn, we weave in more of the sacred lineages of yoga, breathwork and meditation. It is a life changing process.
Overall, the process is guided by centuries of community learning and follow simple principles and agreements. These create the conditions for powerful transformations.
Guiding retreats for these past decades has taken us around the world, in many cultures, with thousands of people in many different organizations and settings. We love people and stories! I'm grateful to have been mentored by the well-known Quaker writer and social thinker Parker Palmer in the Circles of Trust lineage. I’m active in the collaboration that carries on Parker’s work: The Center for Courage & Renewal.
We also love to sail!
You are invited to join Robyn and me on our sailboat Anam Cara. We host these on Okanagan Lake, Naramata, BC. Learn more here.
I’d love to hear from you.
Reach out and contact me to begin a conversation.
Jump in and register for a retreat!
You can find a new way forward, with courage and clarity!